Visual Art Scotland's response to the closure of the Creative Scotland - Open Fund for Individuals.

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Aug 30th 2024

CREATIVE SCOTLAND recently announced closure of the open fund for individuals. This is apparently on the basis of attempting to further safeguard the Creative Scotland - Open Fund for Organisations during extensive arts funding cuts. Whilst VAS has recently applied to CS for Organisational funding, and are thankful this fund remains,  we are deeply concerned for those who will be impacted by this cut, which will undoubtedly be a devastating amount.

For many, this fund was a lifeline for their artistic practices and with no alternative being put forward, this jeopardises an already underfunded sector that is the lifeblood of creativity within scotland. Art Matters. Artistic Voice Matters. Individuals matter not just organisations and institutions.

The announcement from Creative Scotland stated:

'Creative Scotland has taken the difficult decision to close the Open Fund for Individuals to new applications due to the Scottish Government being unable to confirm release of £6.6m in Grant-in-Aid budget in the current financial year, 2024-25. The Fund will close to new applications from 2pm on Friday 30th August 2024.'

Visual Arts Scotland’s stance is in full support of the 110+ strong signed sector letter calling for the Scottish Government to enable Creative Scotland to immediately re-open this fund. Furthermore, to urgently provide the funding to arts culture as previously promised for 2024-2025. Creative Scotland and the Scottish Government should honour the pledges to increase vital investment in culture and the arts.

Wondering what you can do?

Individuals can sign the Campaign for the Arts Petition linked here. We recommend taking to social media to share this far and wide. Cuts like this should not be allowed to happen without fair consultation and advanced warning, if at all, and your voice matters.

Additionally, there is a demonstration outside the Scottish Parliament Thursday 5th September at 12.30. Please see SCAN socials for further info in due course.  When attending this demonstration please remain safe and cautious at all times.


What we will do:

The VAS Team will always listen and sign-post to any support for anyone affected by the announcement. We will continue to stand in support of organisations such as SCAN (link here), Engage (link here), Scottish Artists Union (link here), Equity (link here)  that are pushing for change. 

Is there something else you think we can do? Please email or if you have any suggestions on how you would like us to support you. Should you seek a letter of support in relation to your practise, our team will endeavour to support requests over the coming days.